Selasa, 03 September 2013


from gtaforums
openFormats I/O

openFormats I/O or OFIO is the set of 3dsMax scripts for importing and exporting RAGE resources as Open IV openFormats text-based files. OFIO is capable of importing and exporting drawables (*.odr, *.odd), bounds (*.obd, *.obn), navmeshes (*.onv) and animations (*.onim).

3dsMax requirements
Originaly developed for 3dsMax 8 it was also adapted for 3dsMax 2012, it should work on newer versions too. If you use 3dsMax 2012 you must have HotFix1 installed. If your 3dsMax version has Slate material editor then you must switch to the Compact for using OFIO materials.

* All info needed for quick start with OFIO can be found in the OFIO.chm from OFIO distrib
* OFIO can't be used with scenes made for GIMS, also importing resources previously exported by GIMS is not recommended

Latest build (10 August 2013) is here

Senin, 02 September 2013

Skyrim Modding Tips &Trick

sources : Niftools forum
Texture and UV

Author: ttl269
U and V are X and Y coordinates on source texture mapped to range from 0.0 to 1.0. So U=0, V=0 is top left corner, U=1 V=0 is top right corner, U=1, V=1 is bottom right corner, U=0.5 V=0.5 is in middle of source texture.
UV Scale defines ratio between pixel in source texture and pixel in texture mapped on model. If scale U and V are both set to 1.0 it means, that one pixel from source texture is mapped on one pixel on model - most common setting. Setting U scale to 2.0 and V to 1.0 means, that in U direction two pixels from source texture are mapped on one pixel on model, i.e. two copies of source texture are mapped in U direction on model - you will see two textures on same area of model, but of course texture will be in U direction stretched to fit same area.
U represents X direction, V represents Y direction on 2D texture.
UV scale set to other values than 1.0, 1.0 has nearly no use on normal models. It is more likely used for animated textures effects. But setting UV scale to 0.0, 0.0 causes that no pixels from source texture are mapped on model.

Texture Clamp Mode determines whether the pixels out of source texture area (out of range 0.0-1.0) are mapped on model or not - i.e. if source texture pixels is repeated in desired direction when U or V coordinate get out of range from 0.0-1.0. CLAMP means no, WRAP means yes. Most common setting is WRAP_S WRAP_T.
S represents U direction, i.e. X direction, T represents V direction, i.e. Y direction…

Skyrim Specific

- in UV Scale set both X and Y to 1.0, otherwise you will not see textures
- TextureClampMode set to WRAP_S WRAP_T
- Alpha set to 1.0, If you have 0.01 - it is nearly invisible. It may be produced when NIF exported from 3Dsmax?

set "BS Num UV Sets" to 4097, you also have to fill right values in Tangents and Bitangents arrays - right click over NiTriShape and select "Mesh -> Update Tangent Space". Otherwise normal map texture will not be used in right way.

Forr static object. If yes:
1) NiStringExtraData block with WeaponBack value attached to root BSFadeNode? Delete it - it is used only for nifs of weapon objects.
2) If your nif will not be used for LoadScreen Object in CK, delete BSInvMarker.
3) BSXFlags - it is important for game. Common static objects usually have only BSXFlags in Extra Data of root node and have set its Integer Data to 130 in case the nif has collision.

originally posted by ttl269

Vertex Colors
If you don't use them, i. e. in NiTriShapeData is "Has Vertex Colors" set to "no", you have to unset all Shader flags related to vertex colors in BSLightingShaderProperty, i.e. in Shader Flags 1 there must be unset flag "SLSF1_Vertex_Alpha" and in Shader Flags 2 must be unset flag "SLSF2_Vertex_Colors".

If you use them (in NiTriShapeData is "Has Vertex Colors" set to "yes" and Vertex Colors array is filled with values), you have to set flag "SLSF2_Vertex_Colors". In case you use vertex colors only for coloring of selected vertices, it is enough. If you want to use also alpha components of vertex colors to get per vertice transparency, you also have to set flag "SLSF1_Vertex_Alpha".

Tangents and Bitangents
They should be used on every mesh using normal map except body parts (parts using skin tint). To set Tangents and Bitangents:
- make sure NiTriShapeData of your mesh has "Has Normals" set to "yes" and that "Normals" array is filled properly, i.e. it don't contains zeroes - if yes, right-click over "NiTriShapeData" and select "Mesh -> Face Normals"
- make sure that value in "BS Num UV Sets" in "NiTriShapeData" is set to 4097, if not, set it to that value.
- right-click over "NiTriShape" (not NiTriShapeData) and select "Mesh -> Update Tangents Space"

If you have a lot of NiTriShapes which need to get/update Tangents and Bitangents in their NiTriShapeData, set "BS Num UV Sets" in all NiTriShapeData blocks to 4097 and then go to to menu "Spells" and select "Batch -> Update All Tangent Spaces".

Body parts (parts with human skin) which uses "Skyrim Shader Type" of "Skin Tint" don't use neither Tangents and Bitangents nor Normals - look at some vanilla nif with armor or clothing where part of human skin is visible (for example meshes\clothes\blacksmith\f\torso_1.nif) . In its NiTriShapeData you find "Has Normals" set to "no", "BS Num UV Sets" set to 1 and "Has Vertex Colors" set to "no". In "BSLightingShaderProperty" there is "Skyrim Shader Type" set to "Skin Tint" and in "Shader Flags1" you find set flags "SLSF1_Model_Space_Normals" and "SLSF1_FaceGen_RGB_Tint".

Clarification - skin tint and model space normals (at least doing testing here) are not mutually dependent. You can have one w/o the other (which I do for some "fake" body parts). The ones that don't use normals/tangents are meshes that have SLSF1_Model_Space_Normals. Conversely, you can have meshes use tangent normals and also use skin tints/SSS/SLSF1_FaceGen_RGB_Tint -- these do require BS NUM 4097 and all that. However, if you want seamless everything, best to stick with one or the other.

Other tips and tricks:

- BSDismember for skyrim meshes is OPTIONAL, but good practice to have. If using BSDismember though, make sure it's set to a part referenced by your ArmorAddon, otherwise your mesh simply won't show.
- Copy BSLightingShaderProperties by copying from another nif file and pasting on the root node. Do NOT paste on top of a NiTriShape, won't work (even though it looks like it works)
- Certain meshes have a BSBehaviorGraphExtraData. This is useful for things like custom animated tails. To use it, copy it to your desired mesh, making sure that your mesh is rigged already w/ tail bones. Then change the TXT to Name=BGED and Behaviour Graph File=AuxBones\Tail\TailProject.hkx

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Skyrim Command Console

Skyrim Console
Tekan tilde atau tombol ~ di keyboard
List yang sering kupakai :

1. Tambah item (object ke inventory)
player.additem namaitem jumlah
player.additem 00005B61 1

2. Spawn NPC atau object
player.placeatme namanpc/object jumlah


Toggle commands

Command Effect
tg Toggles grass
ts Toggles display of skybox and fog.
TLL Toggles LOD
TIM Toggle Immortal Mode (Still take damage, health will never reach zero. Final blow animations may cause a perminate decapitation bug )
TCL Toggle Collision. Using the TCL command with a target toggles clipping for the target. If used while falling off a cliff, may cause a crash.
TM Toggle Menus
TFC Toggle freefly camera. Add <1> to pause.
TAI Toggle Artificial Intelligence
TCAI Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence
TDetect Toggle AI Detection. Doesn't work with Pickpocket detection.
TC Toggle Controls Driven. If used when targeting an NPC, will transfer control to said NPC, any command inputs will be applied to player also, to fix "tc" the player character to turn off its actions.
TMM <#> Toggle Map Markers <0> Disable all. <1> Enable all. <1> Show all, no fast travel.
TGM Toggle God Mode

Targeted commands

Command Effect
Equipitem <#> Forces the target to equip , if it is in their inventory. Adding a '1' after the ID seems to make some items un removable, while '0' keeps them removable as normal. will equip the weapon in the left or right hand.
setessential <#> Make NPC mortal (0) / immortal(1).
Disable This will make the target disappear, good for cleaning up messes, corpses (see also: MarkForDelete). Note: Even though the items are hidden from view, they are still be loaded with the cell.
unlock Unlock the desired chest or door. Note: This may not work in some cases.
lock <#> Lock chests, doors or people. <#> = the level of difficulty. (0-100)
kill Instantly kills target.
Resurrect <#> Return a dead NPC to life. Replace <#> with 1 to resurrest with all current items intact. Leave off <#> to have the corpse removed & a new copy spawned.
removeallitems Removes all items in the targets inventory. Use the variable to transfer all items to own inventory.
sexchange Change gender of target NPC, or PC. Note: Only BODY changes, not the head.
additem <#> Adds to target NPC, Note: Use on a merchant to set the amount of barter gold.
setlevel <1>,<2>,<3>,<4> Sets the level of an NPC compared to the player. SetLevel 1000,0,1,81 will make target level with you from 1 to 81.
1: <% of PC's level * 10> The NPC's level in comparison to player, based on % of players level. (1000 = 100.0%)
2: <1 level +/-> How many levels this NPC will be above or below the level in 1.
3: The lowest level this NPC can be.
4: The highest level this NPC can be.
getav Returns the current value of the specified actor value.
modav <+/-#> Changes by <+/-#>
forceav <#> Forces to <#>
setav <#> As above, but some values don't stay set through saves.
setscale <#> Sets the scale of an object. '1' is default. If no object is selected, applies to PC. NOTE: When used on an actor, it increases or decreases speed and damage.
moveto player Teleports the targeted NPC to you. (Works similar to player.placeatme <#> but does not create a new reference of the base object.)
player.setrelationshiprank <#> Used to set an NPCs disposition towards the player. <#> = 1-4 Note: If this doesn't help when attempting to add Follower dialogue, try setrelationshiprank <#> then player.setrelationshiprank <#>.
openactorcontainer <#> <#> = 1,2, 3, or 4. Depending on the actors faction ranking to the player will depend on what you see in their inventory. Use the correct ranking for their current status.) This allows you to add or retrieve items from that actor. Some actors will not equip armor or weapons you store on them.
GetPos Returns the position value of given axis (x,y,z) of the target
SetPos <#> Sets the position value of given axis (x,y,z) of the target.
GetAngle Returns the value of given rotational axis (x,y,z) of the target.
SetAngle <#> Sets the value of given rotational axis (x,y,z) of the target (the change happens when the targeted object is picked up).
MarkForDelete Permanently deletes the selected item either instantaneously or upon reload. This command is cleaner than disable, as it removes the item completely instead of just hiding it from view.
setownership Allows you to make things ownerless. They won't become yours. When used on chests, applies to everything inside.
  • Most "Target commands" can be used on the player by self-targeting or prefixing with Player. in the console window. Some commands, such as Kill and Disable will crash the game when self-targeted, while others may produce unexpected results.

Quest commands

Command Effect
GetStage Used to get the current quest stage for quest (use ShowQuestTargets for IDs).
player.sqs Used to display all the stages of a quest
SetObjectiveCompleted <1 0="0" set="set" to="to" unset="unset"> Used to set the quest stage as being completed or uncompleted.
SetStage Used to set the quest stage (Useful for bugged quests).
movetoqt Move to quest target.
showquesttargets Shows all current quest IDs.
caqs Complete all Stages of EVERY quest.
Buggy, may not be stable. NOT recommended.
CompleteQuest ' Complete a quest. May cause buggy behavior, SetStage is generally cleaner.

Player commands

Command Effect
Addshout Add shout to player skill list. Shouts are also part of spells so in order for this command to work you would need the spells unlocked. List of Shout Codes.*NOTE: Shouts can be unlocked using: player.unlockword
SetPlayerRace Doing this will allow you to change your race without using showracemenu. Note: May bug after certain transformations (ex: Werewolf), and revert back to original race, or the race you selected using showracemenu.
fov <#> Adjust field of view. The maximum value appears to be 160. Higher numbers allow a wider field of vision, but it can be distorted. Lower numbers show a "zoomed" view. 60-90 is a useful range.
showracemenu Bring up character customization menu. Magicka, Stamina, and Health will be spread evenly on using this depending on your character's level. It will remove any custom point distributions. Note: Using TGM command before entering the menu will retain your original levels. Will only modify your attributes/skills/points/etc. if you change the race, sex, or select a preset from the list. Modifying cosmetic things like skin color/warpaint/hair/face shape/etc. will leave your points.
player.addperk Adds the perk.
player.removeperk Removes a perk.; does not return the point used to gain the perk.
player.addspell Adds a spell, disease, or power.
player.additem <#> Add an item to the inventory.
player.removeitem <#> Remove an item from the inventory.
player.drop <#> This will drop the item.
player.showinventory Lists all items in your inventory and their codes. PgUp and PgDwn to scroll through.
player.setcrimegold <#> Adds <#> to your current bounty with
player.paycrimegold Sometimes, does not pay off your bounty fully.
X = 1 Remove stolen items. 0 Don't remove stolen items.
Y = 1 Go to jail. 0 Don't go to jail.
player.setlevel <#> Sets current level to <#>.
player.teachword Teaches a word of power, words can be found with the "help 4" command and are recognizable by the WOOP tag. See Shouts
player.setav <#> Sets the Actor Value to <#>.
player.modav <+/-#> Modifies the Actor Value by <#>.
player.forceav <#> Should be avoided for use, as it overrides/ignores game's automatic calculations such as item bonuses, spell bonuses, etc.
player.placeatme <#> Places an item or actor next to the player.
playerEnchantObject Adds object to inventory with any two magic effects (not limited to enchants). Codes
IncPCS Increase the players skill points by one point IncPCS marksman
AdvSkill <#> Give the player the desired amount of skill usage points. NOTE: Very inconsistent between skills. E.g. "AdvSkill speechcraft 3000" gives about as much Speech experience as "AdvSkill enchanting 1" gives Enchanting experience. See skills for test results.
psb Player Spell Book. Unlocks all spells and shouts. NOTE: Using this command will unlock every spell, even those used to test Skyrim, this may cause bugs so you should backup the game before using this.
player.advlevel Force a Level Up (Does not add ability to pick a new perk)
enableplayercontrols This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this command and carry on.
  • Most "Player commands" can be used on any NPC by targeting them in the console window, and typing the code without the Player. prefix.


Command Effect
Addfac <#> Adds the selected NPC to a faction. May cause undesired and buggy AI behavior.
set playerfollowercount to <#> 0 Clears followers and allows you to recruit again.
Prid Sets the NPC as refrrence, allowing other commands to be used, good for targeting NPCs that you cant reach/select on screen or fixing quest glitches about Npcs not appearing.
bat Executes a .bat file. For more info read this.
help <"Object name"> <#> Show all console commands with descriptions. Add descriptors to search for IDs. ex: help "elven armor" 0 will show ids of all items that include "elven armor" in the name. <#> sets the limits for the search function, 0 = no limits; 4 = Exact.
qqq Quits the game without going through the menus. (May cause crash.)
killall Kills all non-essential NPCs in the vicinity.
set timescale to <#> Set the rate at which time passes (20 is the default, 1 is realtime)
sw Set Weather. Changes the current weather to the one entered. It may vanish quickly depending on the area you're in, due to the area's climate being forced; like where rain isn't common.
fw Force Weather. Will automatically change the current weather to the one specified. (May also vanish as with the sw command).


Command Effect
coc Center On Cell. Teleports you to the center of the cell. A list of coc codes is here.
WIDeadBodyCleanupCell Holds the bodies of NPCs that have died.
player.moveto Move to an NPC.

Update Blog

Experience dan skill bisa hilang kalau tak dipraktekkan --- apalagi kalau belum ngelothok di luar kepala. Dan daripada dianggurin, blog narsis ini kugunakan sebagai kumpulan tutorial dari apa yang sedang menjadi aktivitas terakhirku atau pengingat dari aktivitas yang pernah kulakukan.
Copas kebanyakan kayaknya ....

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Sudah 8 bulan lebih aku tak menulis di blog ini ...
Kalau websiteku tak down, mungkin aku juga tak sempat mampir di blog ini sekarang.
Tak selamanya menyenangkan punya website sendiri, karena problemanya banyak. Termasuk kadang tak bisa di akses. 
Cuma bagiku segalanya solusinya gampang, mudahkanlah sesuatu dengan meninggalkannya. Khususnya bila terasa berat dan memang tak ada kemampuan untuk mengatasinya sendiri. Karena bagaimanapun ada banyak hal yang manusia bergantung pada manusia lain, atau pemegang kekuasaan. Listrik padam, internet lemot, dijamin jungkir balikpun tak akan bisa diatasi kecuali yang berwenang atas urusan itu memperbaikinya. Manusia kecil hanya berusaha memilih yang terbaik, melakukan aksi agar suaranya didengar penguasa. Walau kadang, ketidakpuasan atas keadaan dan rasa tak mensyukuri bisa membawa pada sesuatu yang lebih buruk daripada yang dikehendaki.
Tapi berusaha adalah pilihan yang harus dilakukan. 
Kalau aku, biasanya hanya berusaha mengurangi suntuk dengan kegiatan lain. Ngemod misalnya. Walau ngeblog dan ngemod juga bukanlah sesuatu yang penting banget. Di bulan Ramadhan mungkin bisa digunakan sambil menunggu waktu buka puasa. Meski memilih hal yang lebih bermanfaat, tentunya lebih baik. .

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